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How can I view a cardholder’s recent activity?

Spend Dynamics provides Department Card Coordinators (DCCs) the ability to view their cardholder’s recent activity.

  1. Go to Reports > Expenditure Analysis > Transaction Search – Company
  2. Select the following fields:
    1. Employee First / Last Name: Enter name, or leave blank to view all cardholders in your department.
    2. Hierarchy Node: If you are responsible for multiple departments, leave blank to list all.
    3. Statement Period: Select from dropdown list or enter Start Date & End Date
    4. Export report directly to Excel or PDF (optional)
    5. Exclude Payments: Check
    6. Transaction List: Check
    7. Click on Additional Fields, then Page 2. Check Line Coding. This will display the FIS Default Accounts associated with the transactions.
    8. Click the Search button.

The resulting report will display cardholder(s) activity for the selected report period, with associated FIS account codes.

Last revision Jan 2023

Last Updated:  January 30, 2023